Thursday, March 29, 2012

Great things are coming...

So many.
Too many to count.
Upcoming trips.
Upcoming opportunities.
Upcoming hugs and laughs and drinks to be had with friends in far away lands.
But for now I'm just going to sit and enjoy this cup of coffee.
Because great things are happening people.
To be uber cliche: stay tuned.

Hope you're having a beautiful jeudi in your part of the world! 

A la prochaine friends... 

First hike of the season.

{Doc and the view above St. Jean de Gonville}
This past Saturday Doc and I took advantage of the amazing weather and went for a hike in the Jura, the mountain chain of which we live at the "foot" of. (And when I say "foot," it's a complete and utter misnomer, which you realize when carrying bags of groceries and/or plants and/or a coffee table and/or etc up from the shopping center or bus stop. It's still very much "up" in every sense of the word.)

But I digress.
{Me and my sweet new Lafuma belly bag. Tres cool, no? Right? Hello?}
We're lucky enough that there is a cow pasture directly behind our house that leads to one of the many different trails leading up the Jura. It also tends to be pretty quiet as the main hiking attractions in Thoiry are Reculet and Crêt de la Neige, and there are more widely used trails in the center of town to make your ascent to those landmarks.
{Wild daffodils}
 {"Duck, dip, dodge, dive and dodge."}
{Doc and a little pocket of snow.}

We couldn't go much higher because it was getting late and there is still snow on the top of the mountain, but I'm hoping this weekend we can explore a little higher up. We were out on the mountain for about 4 hours, and with an earlier start this week we'll hopefully be able to do a lot more adventuring.

And there's something about a glass of wine after a few hours hiking that just makes it taste so much better, don't you think?
A la prochaine friends...

Monday, March 26, 2012

Can't keep a Philly girl quiet for long...

{Mirabelle and Reine Claude pruned cuttings with blossoms in vase}

Sorry for the silence over here at I'm an Outlaw, Not a Hero, but I am straight up exhausted. (True story.) After a solid month of entertaining and traveling Doc and I needed a little time to hibernate after what was by far one of the most fun/hilarious/tiring/cheese-filled/adventure-filled months of our just over two years in SwitzerFrance. In that month I went to Berlin to see a concert (which I believe is where I left off here on the blog), we went back up to the Jungfrau/Wengen region (no, we didn't make Doc run up the mountain this time), spent 27 hours in Madrid where we overcame fears of the Disco Llama (more to come on that later), ate raclette three times (THREE!!!) in 2.5 weeks, and tried to show off to our friends just how cool SwitzerFrance really is (after that much cheese no one can resist the SwitzerFrance charms)...I'll have plenty to post as I get back on the blogging horse, so stay tuned.

{Mirabelle Sprouts}

{Duggan Terrace Orchard, ready for Spring 2012...}

What else has been hapepening here at House of Hadron? Lots of Bikram yoga, lots of bike riding, lots of running, lots of hiking (!!!), and lots of prepping for spring in the Duggan Terrace Orchard as we've been having redonkulous fantastic weather here. I just can't argue with tank tops.

{Propagated fig tree, about 2 months old}

So, in the meantime, before I jump back into the month that was, here is a gratuitous garden post to get you in the spring mood. Poppies and mirabelle blossoms go!  

A la prochaine friends...