Tis the season, am I right? This morning I woke up to find 4 framboise ripe for the picking, with a few more getting close to it. We were lucky in that Pee-wee (that's his name...obviously) produced fruit in his first year last year, and this year it looks like he's doubled his production. Good work Pee-Wee.
It's important to note that Pee-Wee's arch-nemesis, Clarence (our blueberry bush), did not produce any myrtilles last year, so I'm hoping he gets his act together for 2011. [Cue brandishing of fist towards Clarence.]
The orchard is doing well too. I'll give an update on my figue trees soon, but for now here's proof that we will have apples this year (barring any lapses in human judgement or PMS-ing by maman-nature).
Our menthe is growing like crazy (chocolate-menthe shown)...
Our strawberry patch is doing well (strawberries not shown because we ate them)...
And we've got rosiers...
All in all, things are coming together up in the Duggan Orchard and Terrace Garden. This weather is definitely throwing me for a loop though - is it really June 7th? I wore a hoodie on my morning bike ride. If last year was any indication though the mosquitos are looming just around the corner...duh duh DUHHH!!!
A la prochain friends...
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