Now, those three things don't typically go together for me, but for once it is the case. After living out of luggage bags or a hotel room for pretty much four months out of the last five, we're finally BOTH back home in SwitzerFrance...

...and both with a nice case of jetlag and possible bronchitis.
It is a testament to both of our immune systems that we've lasted this long, so I can't really be mad. My body has hung in there through Bikram yoga teacher training, and trips (in some cases multiple) to California, Philadelphia, Southern New Jersey, Northern New Jersey, Omaha, as well as weird layovers in DC/Alexandria, VA and Canada. Doc also traveled the circumference of the globe in ten days, which is far from a small feat...
With this forced recovery period that my body is putting on me, it's giving me time to regroup, unpack, organize and process all the amazingness that has been the last few months... well as getting reacquainted with our little village in SwitzerFrance.
I've got a lot to catch up on, and I hope you'll stay tuned.
And hey, since I know I don't say it enough, thanks for reading friends. You really make writing worthwhile...
A la prochaine friends...
Staying Tuned!
ReplyDeleteFeel better :)