Pic via here.
Well Philadelphia fans, I hope you've got your batteries ready, because we are well into the start of the 2010 Philadelphia Phillies baseball season. Time to defend that NLCS title and bring that World Series trophy back home where it belongs. I cannot tell you how excited I have been for this season to get started, as well as to try out our new mlb.tv subscription in France. After a few glitches we were able to hear Ryan Howard's first homer of the season (we had the radio broadcast on by mistake), and the first at-bat we saw was Polanco's grand slam. Due to our slow internet connection it took a little while longer to watch the game, and unfortunately much of the game we saw was on the Nationals broadcast channel (we finally got it working and didn't want to risk losing the picture again to switch to Sarge, Wheels and McCarthy), which was actually pretty entertaining. This could be due to the fact that they spent the majority of the time talking about how much of a stud Halladay is, how the Phillies have a "type" of player that they fill the roster with that makes them so stud-ly, and yah know, basically everything besides the Nationals and baseball at large. We were able to switch over to the WPHL 17 broadcast in the 7th, but unfortunately Sarge was already gone - I am still anxiously awaiting my first "It's cadillac time" of the 2010 season. Two awesome things of note from the Philly broadcast:
1. They're selling sod. SOD. Sod from very special games. And I want it. I don't know why I want it, maybe because it's just so ridiculous and it makes me want it more. It looks like dog turds covered in tea leaves on a pedestal. I thought it was a joke at first, like something that would be for sale on "Tim and Eric Awesome Show Great Job," but nope, totally real. WOW.
2. There's a new dvd out, called "Legends of the Fall," chronicling some of the recent years post season highs and lows - and the commentator? None other than Raul Ibanez. RAUL IBANEZ. I love Raaaauuuul, don't get me wrong, but seriously, am I the only one who finds this funny? They couldn't choose Dreamboat Chase Utley, or ma boo Ryan Howard? Made my night nonetheless.
Either way, it was a great 11-1 win over the Nats, and it was great to see so many Phils fans in the stands in D.C. - in fact it looked like a 3-1 ratio of Phils fans to Nats fans. I'm hoping this mlb.tv continues to hold up its end of the bargain and allows me many more times of screaming at my laptop for all of France to hear the glory that be the Fightin' Phils. Now if only a 7:05 PM start time didn't translate to a 1:05 AM start time here...
Oh, and as if this wasn't as good a time as any, it's ice cream for Chooch time.
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