Friday started out lovely despite the rain, because we had gotten word from the post office that we had a package waiting for us, and it was from none other than Momma and Poppa Jaffe! What a nice surprise filled with goodies that we can't get here - thanks mom and dad!!!

Later that night, our good buddy Jimmy Degs came over for a little Tartiflette, steamed broccoli, and to watch one of my all-time favorite TV series, "The League." We ended up watching the whole season because it's only 6 episodes long, and once you've started watching you just can't stop. Can't wait for new episodes coming in the fall...Just don't forget to respect the pause...

Saturday we were market bound, as per usual. The weather was wet, cold and windy, and we weren't even sure how many of our regular vendors would be out. Luckily for us our olive guy, our coffee peeps, our yogurt couple, our cheese guys, and our Italian produce guys were all there, so it was worthwhile to brave the ickyness.

[A weekend dejuener.]

[Fresh rosemary and Grisotte.]

[Morbier, brie, parma, and chorizo.]
And with that, I am officially caught up with posting! Yeah! It's unfortunate that I don't have a lot to report from this week as it's rained pretty much since last Friday. It's sunny out now, and hopefully that will continue into the weekend and we can go on more fun adventures and takes lots of more photos. Lots of excitement coming up though as we move to Thoiry in t minus 16 days, and the Phillies open up in 4 days, 3 hours and 25 minutes (but who's counting?!)...
Speakin' of the Fightin' Phils, anyone else ecstatic about Moyer getting the 5th spot in the rotation? Because I am le ecstatic! Way to go old man!!!
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