As I've said in the past, I'm not really big into resolutions, but I do love planning "things" for the new year. So following in the already laid path of some of my fellow bloggers, I'm going to share with you my 12 "things" that I would like to do/do more of in this coming year.
1. The biggest anti-resolution of them all: Eat more boulangerie treats. It's true. Macarons. Pain aux chocolat. Tarts with different fruits on them. Gateaux. There's a time and place for everything, and the place for these sugary delights is SwitzerFrance.
2. Speaking of, when in SwitzerFrance: Eat more cheese. Again, there's a time and a place. In 2012 I want to see how many "cheese destinations" Doc and I can hit up, now that we have a car. (Sidenote: Oh crap! I neglected to tell you guys, we now have a car! And yes, station wagons are cool.) So many cheese destinations are within 30 minutes to 2 hours driving of where we live, and I personally think it is a travesty that we have yet to visit any of them.
{Doc made me a 30 Day Bikram Challenge Sticker board, a la my last 30 Day Challenge in 2009!}
3. "The only bad class is the one you missed": Do more Bikram yoga. In 2011, after much planning and failed planning, I finally got back to my Bikram yoga practice. En fin! Thanks to a new bike, a TPG tram pass and occassional rides to CERN from Doc in the new car (zoom zoom), I was able to find my practice again and even complete a 30 Day Challenge back in October. I'm so thankful that Karine opened Bikram Yoga Geneva just over a year ago, because it has helped to fill a major void that moving to SwitzerFrance caused - a break in my practice. I love seeing familiar faces in such a warm (pun intended) environment, and I can't wait to get back in the hot room this week. Oh, and I'm hoping to fit another 30 Day Challenge into 2012!
{Celebrating the end of my 30 Day Challenge in 1664 Fashion!}
4. Explore Genève: One thing that going into Genève for yoga has afforded me is the opportunity to explore the city more, however there is still so much more to uncover. I'm hoping that in 2012 we can manage to go to a "thing" once a month - be it a concert, a festival, a day at the museum, anything! The more random the better in my book. I love that we're starting to have places we really love and things we love to do in Genève, however this love story is really only just beginning.

5. Learn to: Knit. Yeah, random. I've been wanting to learn for awhile now. And with my affinity collecting hobo fingerless gloves and infinity scarves it's really the most economical thing to do. Anyone with any favorite knitting how-to YouTube videos, feel free to pass them along this way...
6. Do more: DIY. Armed with a wire brush drill attachment, I'm in the process of completing my first refinishing project. Well ok, the stain is almost all sanded off the gossip chair that I found at les puces in Plainpalais for 10 CHF, but I've still go to re-stain it and maybe make a pillow. It's in process though! I'm hoping we can also refinish Rick the coffee table this year, as well as maybe find some other sweet furniture deal at les puces that I can take a wire brush to. We've got some other DIY ideas for 2012 as well, so I'll be sure to keep you all updated.
{Chicks with power tools.}
7. Have more Sundays. With Doc being incredibly busy with work and me traveling a good bit over the fall and winter months, Sundays have slipped by the wayside a bit. More market Sundays, more caffe on the terrace, and more brunch for 2012!
8. Do more: Reading. Now that I've passed my NBCOT boards, I can finally pick up a book that's not a textbook without feeling guilty. Here I come "Beer Craft!" (Thanks Christine!) On that note...
9. Brew our own beer: When I was in Philly back in October I picked up a Brooklyn Brewshop IPA Everyday beer making kit. Paired with the above mentioned book that was a gift from Christine over at Christine and the Big Scary kitchen, I can't wait to mix science and booze.
10. Do more: new recipes. We're big into cooking from scratch, but I think we've fallen a bit into a routine that we need to shake up a bit. I'm hoping to try out one new recipe a week to keep it interesting, and I'll post recipes that turn out awesome-ly.
11. Do more: picture taking. Though Doc would never believe it, I definitely lapsed on a lot of my picture taking in 2011. I'm excited to make people think I'm a tourist again.
12. Do more: talking to all of you! I've missed you all in my time away, and I've met so many interesting people through blogging. I wish I had a blogger app in my head sometimes, because I think the best blog posts are the ones I mentally write on my food shopping hikes, and those sometimes never see the interwebs. Let's see if I can't do a better job of getting things on the blog this year.
Phew! Did you make it through that whole post?! Congratulations because that was a doozey! How about you guys, any big "things" for 2012? I want to hear all about it!
A la prochaine friends...
If you keep your resolutions you have a very good year ahead! Best wishes for a very happy and healthy new year.
ReplyDeleteThank you! Bonne annee a vous aussi!
ReplyDeleteEat. More. Cheese.
ReplyDeleteit's a recipe for a happy life!
And you got a car WOO-HOO!
Happy driving :-)