Wednesday, August 18, 2010

It's the little things...

I've been doing so much in the way of running for my marathon training and biking for my errands lately, that I realized recently that I haven't been taking as many walks as I used to. This made me a little sad, and I decided that I needed to slow down a bit. So yesterday, on my way back from picking up some vin rouge, fromage, and pain at the magasin, I took extra time walking around the neighborhood. It was on this meandering that a wonderful french woman who was working in her garden stopped to talk to me, and I was excited to have a very mini (tres mini mini mini petit mini) conversation with her, using about all 10 french words that I know. At the end of our little conversation she offered me a tomato from what she had been picking, and it absolutely made my day. It is absolutely the little things...

[Shine on little tomate, shine on...]

A special big get well virtual hug and virtual hot tea for a good friend of mine who is feeling under the weather today. Get better soon!!!

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